Local Attractions
Features a Nature Park and the famous Headless Nun. It is within walking distance from the Fundy Line Motel & Restaurant and offers various walking trails, nature sites and childrens' playground. The Curling Club is nearby. www.frenchfortcove.com
Part of "Miramichi Landings" tourist attraction.
Here along the boardwalk in the summer you will find interesting shops, cafes and galleries. You can sit in a shaded area and watch life on the river flow by or drop a line in the water in the hopes of catching a fish.
Picnic areas invite al fresco dining. Watch the children play in the unusual playground while enjoying a cone of local ice-cream. Weekends and evenings abound with music performances and dancing.
Boat Tours both up the river to Beaubears Island and down the river to Chatham depart from Ritchie Wharf on a regular schedule.
Part of "Miramichi Landings" A historic site with an interactive interprative centre. This was originally a ship building area in the days of the Tall Ships.
For many, the experience of Acadian culture feels like a welcoming embrace. On Beaubears Island, the history of these hearty French-speaking settlers moves from a story of hard times to a joyous celebration right before your eyes.
Also part of "Miramichi Landings". Irish people escaping the potato famine, landed here. The information centre has lots of stories to tell. The island is accessed by a long causeway and is an ideal place for a picnic or a walk.
As you drift down the Miramichi River in your tube, you dip your fingers into the warm water and realize that life doesn’t get much better than this.
You relax, closing your eyes behind your sunglasses as you lean back and float effortlessly down the ‘Little South West'. You take this moment to feel the sun on your skin, knowing in a few minutes you’ll be getting your next clue from the GPS that alerts you of each upcoming challenge. You clear your mind and drift in the warm sun; then, just around the river bend…
You’re ready for action! Communicating with friends and family members, you head for the next geo-cache checkpoint. Your water-bound scavenger hunt has just begun, along with a day filled with nature, adventure, laughter and fun.
There are several small local beaches and the New Brunswick coast is just a short drive away.
Stores such as Walmart and Giant Tiger can be found a short drive east along the King George Hwy. Northumberland Mall is in the same area.
There are two unique and vibrant Shopping Areas in the City of Miramichi.
Newcastle square and Downtown Chatham both offer a variety of locally owned boutiques and restaurants.
Visit each of their websites below.
DowntownS Miramichi – Historic Chatham Business District
DowntownS Miramichi – Newcastle Business District
Experience the ancient Mi’kmaq culture that has existed at its life source for over 3,000 years.
There is much to discover at the village of 30 centuries: view the archeological finds of our enduring village, see the historic Mi’kmaq ceramic pottery, understand the significance of the Augustine Mound and the Oxbow National Historic Sites of Canada.
Other features include: artifacts, interactive displays, tours, interpretive trails and a Mi’kmaq boutique.
Time-honoured traditions await you at Metepenagiag…Where Spirits Live!

This aquarium “orphanage” welcomes you to play foster parent to a fledging baby fish while helping to conserve New Brunswick’s wild Atlantic salmon.
Touring the museum with some of the most qualified specialists in the area, you learn about the salmon and its habitat.
The young salmon rise to the surface in their tanks when you feed them, tempted by the tasty fare. You’ll select and name one of the tiny fish as part of your pledge to foster salmon preservation. Return to the museum in the fall to see the adopted salmon being released into the river.
You’ll want to tell everyone you meet about the wonderful work going on in this extra-special orphanage, where many great Miramichi fishing tall tales are bound to get their start!
Canada’s longest running folk festival combines authentic music and plenty of Maritime food on the Miramichi every year. Organizer Susan Butler is a grand host who bends your ear with stories and tunes just as they were invented in the lumber camps of old.
Events kick off with a delicious meal and live music. Take a leisurely afternoon cruise on the Max Aitken River Boat with a variety of folk performers. You’re side-by-side with the musicians as they introduce you to legends and songs passed down over generations.
Arrive early for the evening concert to spend even more time with your host and the singers, fiddlers and storytellers. Finish up the night with an intimate jam session at the nearby historic Black Horse Tavern.
Miramichi hospitality at its best set to lively music. You’ll hum these tunes forever. www.miramichifolksongfestival.com
Every year, thousands of people gather on the Miramichi for jam-packed entertainment!
There is plenty of Irish music, dance, cultural and musical workshops, family reunions, storytelling and something for the little ones.
Don't miss the displays of Irish crafts and the opportunity to do a little research into your family history. When you’re ready for a break from the excitement, drop by Molly’s Tea Room on the community college campus.
Explore this historic city with its breathtaking views of the famous Miramichi River. You’ll meet old friends and make new ones. As they say here on the Miramichi, "Cead Mile Failte!" (a hundred-thousand welcomes!).
A 4-day celebration of the era that will live forever - rock n’ roll! You’ll find something for every member of the family at this rockin’ festival. Children's games, street dances, fireworks, entertainment in the park and a golden-oldie car show are all waiting for you . . . and they’re free! Join in the best-dressed contest or just cruise around the river. Put on your dancing shoes and kick up your feet at the adult dances (admission fee).
Rock around the clock at the festival that pays tribute to the music and culture of the 1950s and '60s. You'll see poodle skirts, bobby socks, slicked back hair and much, much more at the 2011 festival!